Monday, April 27, 2015

Essential Oils and Dental Pre- and Post-Op Care

So, today I went to the dentist and had two molars extracted.  I was a panicky mess when I arrived (I'm working on that, and yes, Frankincense, Lavender, Marjoram, and Geranium Essential Oils have all had a role in keeping me calm and/or balanced-- but the dental clinic is "scent/fragrance-free" so I went in unarmed).

Fortunately the dentist was a lovely guy who gave me permission to put up my finger for a break at any time, and the Assistant, Chynna (pronounced "China"-- isn't that beautiful?)   was sweet, chatty and proficient in her job. The teeth came out with relative ease, and NO PAIN.  I was given a sheet of instructions about post-op care (eg., don't eat anything on that side for a week; take ibuprofen every 6-8 hours for pain; ice the swelling).

After the icing, I made a compress of Roman Chamomile (a few drops in a square of gauze) and held it there for a while.  When my husband came home he was amazed at how the swelling had gone down.  I found this suggestion at

I had a big green smoothie for lunch (apple, mango, mixed baby greens, chia seed for protein and water).  I did take one of the ibuprophen.  Amazingly, everything in my mouth is calm.

(I must also mention that my dear husband prayed for me before and during my appointment. I do  believe these essential oils are a gift from God-- and the great dentist and his team are a gift as well!)

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